Thursday, 4 July 2013

Spartacus Legends - Improvment Thoughts

So I have put quite a few hours into Spartacus over the last week and I am still loving the game, but as I’ve played more and more I have started to see where this game could have been a true gem if it had got a full scale release.  Let’s start with the combat system, at the moment it’s a one on one fighter. This gameplay style works but I was thinking, imagine if it was more of a third person fighter, think God of War. This would open up the game so much and let it be possible to have more than one gladiator in the area at once, allowing for team battles or just a free for all. I think this would have been amazing; also anther thing I think they missed out on with the game is environmental interaction. In the Spartacus TV series the gladiators sometimes use the environment to their advantage, whether its jump off it for a sword stab or just smashing your opponent into the wall, I just think this could have made the battles more interesting. 

Now as I explained in my review I think the ludas management this game has is awesome but with some work and a little more expansion it could be a game on its own. Maybe they could add gladiator trading, with other ludas’s and maybe the fame system would mean more than unlocking more fights, maybe it would mean other lanista’s would take notice of you and send assassins to kill your gladiators to spit your or stunt the growth of your ludas and other things of this nature. This would mean economy in the game would be more important deciding whether to spend your gold on more gladiators or better training or maybe spending it to accommodate a person of high favour in your villa to gain more favour in the games. I really think the gladiator management game could have been way more intense and also adding in other ludas owners would have been a great way to spice things up rather than fighting generic gladiator 1 or 2. Also a story mode could have been added it would have been so easy to be done maybe just convert the series into a game or even you make your own gladiator and follow his way through gladiator school set in the Spartacus world or follow Spartacus through the rebellion, I really think there is so many possibilities.

As this game was just F2P these thoughts are just wishes that I will most likely never see fulfilled and my heart will yearn to get a gladiator game that will never exist.

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